EMBLE / Edvard Munch Ensemble

Conveying chamber music through multidisciplinary art concepts.

Role: Pianist & Project Director. Ongoing project since 2015.

Also known as EMBLE, the Edvard Munch Ensemble was founded in 2015 as a piano quintet, developing thematic, multidisciplinary concepts using chamber music together with a variety of other art forms. Its current members are violinists Guro Kleven Hagen and Victoria Putterman, violist Arvid Resare, cellist Sverre Barratt-Due and pianist Thormod Rønning Kvam. In addition, EMBLE has worked closely with violists Hanne Skjelbred and Eivind Ringstad as well as soprano Eir Inderhaug.


Albeit enjoying active soloist careers and holding leading positions in Norwegian orchestras, the members of EMBLE are always facing forward in search for new ways of conveying the music they love. Storytelling and approachability are amongst the main goals of the ensemble, whilst embracing the everlasting value of classical music being its core value.

EMBLE is currently developing new projects. See website for latest news.


Aulaseriene The Aula Series


Asker kulturhusKlassisk på Venskaben